1 | 'Til You Can't | O'Reilly | 26 | American Kids | Pelletier | 51 | BoysFromTheCountryHell | |
2 | A Bar Song | B Murphy | 27 | And Get It On | Trepat-Belloque | 52 | Break Away | Vos |
3 | A Devil In Disguise | Stott-Birchall | 28 | Askin' Questions | Bass | 53 | Broken Heels | Furnell-Kinser-Kinser |
4 | A Little Love Trip | Morris-Lockton | 29 | AtomikPolka | Bastiaan Van | 54 | Brokenheartsville | Metelnick |
5 | Aces and Eights | Winson | 30 | Ay Ay Ay | Villellas | 55 | Brotherhood | Castagnoli |
6 | Adalaida | O'Reilly | 31 | Bad Boy | McGowan_Hickie | 56 | Butter Beans | Petre |
7 | AF en AF | Schneider | 32 | Bad Influence | Furnell-Kinser-Kinser | 57 | Cabo San Lucas | Ghazali |
8 | After Five Stomp | Unbekannt | 33 | Bad Moon On The Rise | Biggs | 58 | Calm After The Storm | Gruber |
9 | After Party | Rowe | 34 | Badda Boom! Badda Bang! | Hunn | 59 | Calypso Mexico | Vos |
10 | Again and Again | BM-Kinser | 35 | Bang Bang | McEnaney-Ward | 60 | Canadian Stomp | Hall-Smith |
11 | AGigolo | Robbie McGowan | 36 | Beautiful Day | GayeTheater | 61 | Cannibal Stomp | Firth |
12 | Ain't Misbehavin' | Mundy-Thompson-Glass | 37 | Beer For My Horses | CBass | 62 | Cardio Jive | unbekannt |
13 | Alabama Slammin | McEnaney | 38 | Before The Devil | Birchall | 63 | Catalan Trip | Magali Lebrun |
14 | Alcazar | McGowan_Hickie-Winson | 39 | Better Life | Metelnick | 64 | Celtic Heartbeat | Gallagher |
15 | Alcohol | Morel | 40 | Biker Chick | Suzanne Wilson | 65 | Chasing Girls | Castagnoli |
16 | Alice | Whittaker | 41 | BikerChick | Lis Gaardvig | 66 | Chattahoochee | Unbekannt |
17 | All Cool | McGowan_Hickie | 42 | Black Coffee | O'Malley | 67 | Cheeky Cha | Sala-McGowan_Hickie |
18 | All I Can Say | Ward-McEnaney | 43 | Black Horse | Sala | 68 | Cherry Poppin' | Fitzgerald-Harris |
19 | All In | Angela Thaler,Paul Ferstl | 44 | Blackpool By The Sea | Teather | 69 | Chicken Walk Jive | Stott |
20 | All My Mates | Moggia | 45 | BobbiWithAnI | Rachael McEnaney 02/2010 | 70 | Chill Factor | Whittaker-Westhead |
21 | All Week Long | Metelnick | 46 | Boheme Supreme | Fowler | 71 | Chilly Cha Cha | Kinson |
22 | All You Need | McGowan_Hickie | 47 | Bomshel Stomp | Marshall-Hedges | 72 | Clickety Clack | Metelnick-Hunyadi |
23 | Alligator Rock | Lescarbeau | 48 | Boot Scootin' Boogie | Buchweitz | 73 | Coalmine | Birchall-Stott |
24 | Always Sunshine And Rainbows | Barton-Ghazali | 49 | Bop The B | Brown-Bowers | 74 | Coastin' | Yeoman |
25 | Amame | McGowan_Hickie | 50 | Bosa Nova | Dennington | 75 | Codigo | Mitchell |
76 | Coffee Days and Whiskey Nights | Verhagen | 101 | Ex's And Oh's | Glass | 126 | Hallelujah | Castagnoli |
77 | Come Dance With Me | Thompson | 102 | Fake ID | Girard | 127 | Happy Happy | Irlenbusch |
78 | Completely | Metelnick-Biggs | 103 | Fallin' in Love | O'Reilly-Gallagher | 128 | HappyHappyHappy | |
79 | Coochie Bang Bang | Blevins | 104 | Fire And Lace | Dreamers | 129 | HarrysHoneycomp | Harry Schalk 10/2016 |
80 | Cool Chick | McGowan_Hickie | 105 | Firestorm | Castagnoli | 130 | Have You Ever Seen The Rain | Musk |
81 | Copperhead Road | Unbekannt | 106 | Fly Like A Bird | McAdams | 131 | Heartbreak Express | Metelnick |
82 | Corn | Fowler | 107 | Flying Eights | Unbekannt | 132 | Hearts And Flowers | Churm |
83 | Cotton Pickin' Morning | Mason | 108 | Footloose | Fowler | 133 | Heave Away | Fowler |
84 | Country 2 Step | Masters_In_Line | 109 | For My Baby | Castagnoli | 134 | Hey Boy (CBA 2021) | Murray-Hadisubroto |
85 | Country Strong | Niederhuber | 110 | For Neige | The Dreamers | 135 | Hey Stranger | Verdonk-Glass |
86 | Country Walkin' | Desarro | 111 | Friday Yet | Krieg | 136 | Hickory Lake | Herbert |
87 | Cowboy Cha Cha | Unbekannt | 112 | Friendly Cha | Heath | 137 | High Time | Jentzsch |
88 | Cowboy Man | Arvidson | 113 | Friends For Ten | Teather et al | 138 | Hillbillies In The Hay | Amato-Royston |
89 | Crazy Foot Mambo | McAdam | 114 | Galway Girls | Hodgson | 139 | Hillbilly Girl | McGrath |
90 | Cruisin' | Hale | 115 | Geelong | Marta Gelabert & Carles Clols | 140 | HillbillyRock32 | Becky McUmber |
91 | Damn | Fowler | 116 | Ghost Train | Hunyadi | 141 | Hold Your Horses | Kinson-Mickers |
92 | Dear Future Husband | Wetzel | 117 | Go Gentle | Hadisubroto-Sarlemijn | 142 | Holiday Samba | Wright |
93 | Despacito | Duerler | 118 | Go Mama Go | Sala-McGowan_Hickie | 143 | Honeycomb | Alison Johnstone 07/2011 |
94 | Ding Dang Darn It | McEnaney | 119 | Going Back West | Hotz | 144 | Honeycomp | Unbekannt |
95 | Dizzy | Thompson | 120 | Good Lovin' | Fillion | 145 | Honky Tonk Twist | Perry |
96 | Doctor Doctor | MIL | 121 | Good Time | McEnaney | 146 | Hooked Up | McGowan_Hickie |
97 | Down To The Honky Tonk | Pistoia | 122 | Good To Go | Blevins | 147 | I Close My Eyes | Pace |
98 | Dream Lover | Whittaker | 123 | Gotta Hitch | Sittrop | 148 | I Love A Rainy Night | Mooney |
99 | Dream World | Picerno | 124 | Greater Than Me | Gallagher | 149 | I'm From The Country | Baars |
100 | Electric Slide | Silver | 125 | Gypsy Queen | Pace | 150 | Indigo Moon | McGowan_Hickie-Hunn |
151 | InternationalHarvester | Darren Bailey, Lana Williams | 176 | Leaving Of Liverpool | Gallagher | 201 | NeonMoon | Benny Ray |
152 | Irish Spirit | Gallagher | 177 | Lipstick | Dan Albro 01/2006 | 202 | NotFair | Gudrun Schneider |
153 | Irish Stew | Lightfoot | 178 | Little Heartbreak | Camps-Verdonk | 203 | NotLikeThat | Robbie McGowan |
154 | It's A Lucky Day | Wulff-Krestan | 179 | Little Liza Jane | Poulsen | 204 | OkieDokie | Gaye Teather |
155 | It's Time to Swing | Robinson-Thompson | 180 | Little Rumba | Laurin | 205 | Old Stuff | Masters_In_Line |
156 | It's Up To You | Ray | 181 | LivingDollHian | 206 | On The Fields | Ghys-Verhagen | |
157 | ItsALuckyDay | Bernhard Wulff | 182 | Locklin's Bar | Gallagher | 207 | One Shot | Sala-McGowan_Hickie |
158 | ItsSoEasy | Peter Metelnick | 183 | Lollipop | Sala | 208 | Open Heart Cowboy | Tassinari-Lebrun |
159 | ItsSoEasyRutter | Stephen Rutter | 184 | Lonely Drum | Mitchell | 209 | Over The Moon | Rutter |
160 | Jacket Joe | Esther-Jose | 185 | Lost In Me | Villellas | 210 | Patsy Fagan | Sittrop |
161 | JackieJoker | Henry Costa | 186 | Louisiana Swing | Sala-McGowan_Hickie | 211 | People Are Crazy | Lienert-Lienert |
162 | JaiDuBoogie | -- | 187 | Love Trick | McEnaney | 212 | Picnic Polka | Paden |
163 | Jailhouse Creole | Double_Trouble | 188 | Lucky Lips | Lafferty | 213 | Pizziricco | Dynamite_Dot |
164 | Jamaica Mistaka | Metelnick-Hodgson | 189 | Made in the USA | Mundy | 214 | Por Ti Sere | Thompson |
165 | Joana | Massotti | 190 | Make It Up | Gallagher | 215 | Pot Of Gold | Hrycan |
166 | Judy Likes To Rock | Poulsen | 191 | Mama Loo | Maag | 216 | Reet Petite | Lady_In_Black |
167 | Jukebox | Thompson | 192 | Mama Take Me Home | Unbekannt | 217 | Reunited | Poulsen |
168 | Just A Memory | Dean-Gallagher | 193 | Mamma Maria | Trace | 218 | Rhyme Or Reason | McEnaney |
169 | Just A Minute | Ainsworth-Birks | 194 | Maybe I Could | McGowan_Hickie | 219 | Rio | Lowery |
170 | Just Can't Wait | Metelnick | 195 | Mercury Blues | Ziegler | 220 | Rock Paper Scissors | Gallagher |
171 | Just Wright | Gallagher | 196 | Missing | Albro | 221 | Rockin' | McNab |
172 | Kill The Spiders | Teather | 197 | Mr Policeman | Vos | 222 | Rose-A-Lee | Klitgaard |
173 | King Of The Road | Machado-Thompson | 198 | MrMom | Tassles Tush | 223 | RoseGarden | Jo Thompson |
174 | Knock Knock | Metelnick-Biggs | 199 | Mucara Walk | Steel | 224 | RudolfTheRedNosedReindeer | BM Leong |
175 | LDF2011 | Cathy Hodgson Mad Cat | 200 | My Blue Jeans | Castagnoli | 225 | SettleDown | Syndie Berger |
226 | Shake It Off | Metelnick-Biggs | 251 | Summer Fly | Rothwell | 276 | TwoByTwo | |
227 | Shattered Dreams | Winson | 252 | Sundown Waltz | McGowan_Hickie | 277 | Under The Sun | Chang-Hsu |
228 | Shivers 101 | Sarlemijn | 253 | Sunrise | Calderero-Roldos | 278 | Undercover | McGowan_Hickie |
229 | Show Me What U Got | Fitzgerald-Harris | 254 | Swingin' Home For Christmas | Soerensen | 279 | Until The End | Gallagher |
230 | Side By Side | Stott | 255 | Tag On | Villellas | 280 | Up | Lienert |
231 | Sister Kate | Vos | 256 | Take A Breather | Gallagher | 281 | Up Country | MGH |
232 | Sisters | Bailey-Whitehouse | 257 | Take Your Time | Sala | 282 | Urban Grace | Master_In_Line |
233 | Skinny Genes | Stott-Stott | 258 | Talk Is Cheap | Tylla | 283 | Voodoo Jive | Churm |
234 | Slap And Stomp | Fillion | 259 | Te Vas | Sala-Fowler | 284 | Walking Backwards | McGowan_Hickie |
235 | Sleepy Eyes | Palmer | 260 | Texas Hero | Elisabet-Olga | 285 | Wanna Be Me | Lawton |
236 | Slow Burn | Glover | 261 | Texas Hold 'Em | Bourdages | 286 | Wave On Wave | Birchall |
237 | Slowly Gently Softly (SGS) | O'Reilly | 262 | Texas Time | Birchall-Jax | 287 | We Are Tonight | Albro |
238 | So Just Dance Dance Dance | Belloque-Richard | 263 | That Honky Tonk Highway | Shipley | 288 | We're Good to Go | Fowler |
239 | Sofia | Sittrop | 264 | The Belle of Liverpool | Watson | 289 | West Party | Castagnoli |
240 | Some Beach | McGowan-Hickie | 265 | The Flute | Gallagher | 290 | WhiskeyUnderTheBridgeBlankenship | |
241 | Something In The Water | Poulsen | 266 | The Gambler | Dube-Henley | 291 | Wintergreen | Gallagher |
242 | Southern Delight | Corsi_Lord-Lord | 267 | The Trail | McDonald | 292 | Wishful Thinking | O'Neill |
243 | Spanish Lady | Schmidt | 268 | The Wanderer | Risley | 293 | Yolanda | Sala-McGowan_Hickie |
244 | Speak To The Sky | Davies | 269 | The World | Gallagher | 294 | Your Heaven | Poulsen |
245 | Stay Stay Stay | Poulsen | 270 | Toes | McEnaney | 295 | Zjozzys Funk | Velde |
246 | Stitch It Up | McGowan_Hickie | 271 | Too Many Drunk | Sandrine Caracchioli ;Cantal Levallois | |||
247 | Straight To Memphis | Sala | 272 | Travelin' Music | Verdonk-Bos | |||
248 | Strangers | Calderero | 273 | Trespassing | Bailey-Whitehouse | |||
249 | Sugar Sugar | Chen | 274 | Truck A Truck | Ferrer | |||
250 | Sultry | Fowler | 275 | Tush Push | Ferrazzano |
aktuell 2024 werden getanzt:
1 | 'Til You Can't | O'Reilly | 26 | Hooked Up | McGowan_Hickie |
2 | A Bar Song | B Murphy | 27 | It's A Lucky Day | Wulff-Krestan |
3 | A Little Love Trip | Morris-Lockton | 28 | Patsy Fagan | Sittrop |
4 | After Five Stomp | Unbekannt | 29 | SettleDown | Syndie Berger |
5 | Alcohol | Morel | 30 | Show Me What U Got | Fitzgerald-Harris |
6 | All I Can Say | Ward-McEnaney | 31 | Too Many Drunk | Sandrine Caracchioli ;Cantal Levallois |
7 | All In | Angela Thaler,Paul Ferstl | |||
8 | All Week Long | Metelnick | |||
9 | All You Need | McGowan_Hickie | |||
10 | Amame | McGowan_Hickie | |||
11 | Bad Boy | McGowan_Hickie | |||
12 | Bad Moon On The Rise | Biggs | |||
13 | Beautiful Day | GayeTheater | |||
14 | Beer For My Horses | CBass | |||
15 | Before The Devil | Birchall | |||
16 | Better Life | Metelnick | |||
17 | Calm After The Storm | Gruber | |||
18 | Calypso Mexico | Vos | |||
19 | Codigo | Mitchell | |||
20 | Corn | Fowler | |||
21 | Country 2 Step | Masters_In_Line | |||
22 | Cowboy Cha Cha | Unbekannt | |||
23 | Damn | Fowler | |||
24 | Fallin' in Love | O'Reilly-Gallagher | |||
25 | Gotta Hitch | Sittrop |